My bff, once I started elementary school, was Sandy. My mom was best friends with her mother as well and our families would take vacations together a few times a year. They camped with us every summer and we would have a blast.
All that changed when I was 15.
I was at the movies with my boyfriend, Josh, and ran into Mr. Jackson in the lobby of the theatre. I asked him where Mrs. Jackson and Sandy were and a strange look came over his face...
...and a mother of one of the kids we went to school with popped out from behind him. I had caught him on a date. I mumbled something and got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
Now, we had heard rumors that Mr. Jackson was cheating, but no one had any proof. I was sick to my stomach that I was the one who caught him red-handed. I let Sandy know what I saw when I got home.
A week later I went to a football game with Josh, our younger friend, Jake, and Josh's dad. It was our high school's playoff game, and the stadium was packed. Josh's dad dropped us off and we agreed to meet up with him after the game. Josh, Jake and I couldn't find seats, so the three of us stood at the bottom of the bleachers close to where the cheerleaders were. I remember scanning the crowd at one point and almost falling over.
Mr. Jackson was there. And he was there with the other woman. At our game. In front of everyone. And his daughters were only one section away. I prayed they didn't see him there.
He caught my eye and the look he gave me was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced. It was evil mixed with glee mixed with triumph. It made my skin crawl.
After the game, Josh's dad drove us all home and I put the episode behind me. Unfortunately, it wouldn't stay that way for long.
The first letter came on November 27th and it was addressed to my mother. It was a story about my "activities" during the evening of the playoff football game. My parents didn't know what to make of it because there was fact (I was at the game, I was with two teenage boys) mixed in with lies (everything else). Luckily, they remembered that Josh's dad had driven us to the game and that fact negated 95% of the untruths contained in the letter.
And here, my readers, is the letter (there will be more posted). The only things I have edited* are places referenced and the name of the football coach (the weird spelling and verbage hasn't been touched). Thanks to Bob Dobalina for helping me transcribe.
All that changed when I was 15.
I was at the movies with my boyfriend, Josh, and ran into Mr. Jackson in the lobby of the theatre. I asked him where Mrs. Jackson and Sandy were and a strange look came over his face...
...and a mother of one of the kids we went to school with popped out from behind him. I had caught him on a date. I mumbled something and got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
Now, we had heard rumors that Mr. Jackson was cheating, but no one had any proof. I was sick to my stomach that I was the one who caught him red-handed. I let Sandy know what I saw when I got home.
A week later I went to a football game with Josh, our younger friend, Jake, and Josh's dad. It was our high school's playoff game, and the stadium was packed. Josh's dad dropped us off and we agreed to meet up with him after the game. Josh, Jake and I couldn't find seats, so the three of us stood at the bottom of the bleachers close to where the cheerleaders were. I remember scanning the crowd at one point and almost falling over.
Mr. Jackson was there. And he was there with the other woman. At our game. In front of everyone. And his daughters were only one section away. I prayed they didn't see him there.
He caught my eye and the look he gave me was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced. It was evil mixed with glee mixed with triumph. It made my skin crawl.
After the game, Josh's dad drove us all home and I put the episode behind me. Unfortunately, it wouldn't stay that way for long.
The first letter came on November 27th and it was addressed to my mother. It was a story about my "activities" during the evening of the playoff football game. My parents didn't know what to make of it because there was fact (I was at the game, I was with two teenage boys) mixed in with lies (everything else). Luckily, they remembered that Josh's dad had driven us to the game and that fact negated 95% of the untruths contained in the letter.
And here, my readers, is the letter (there will be more posted). The only things I have edited* are places referenced and the name of the football coach (the weird spelling and verbage hasn't been touched). Thanks to Bob Dobalina for helping me transcribe.
The events revealed below are factual and took place exactly and precisley as told. Do not discount this informaion for by doing so, the situation will certainly become worse and out of your control forever. It took place the evening of Friday, November 20, 1992, at the football stadium of Cleveland State University*, on the highways between Cleveland* and Akron*, and in the back parking lot of JFK Middle School*, close to the stadium stands at that location. No judgements are made except an editorial comment at the end of this letter. The purpose is to inform you of facts, actions, and behavior that you as a parent should be aware of so that if you wish, you may take appropriate action. Unfortunately, there are no photographs or video of the events in my possession. Others may want to share their's with you. However, there is cooperative of the events just as I describe them to you by several hundred, and perhaps several thousand other Akron* and Cleveland* residents who all personally viewed the behavior and actions in the first chapter of this narrative. As to the subsequent occurances, I have in my possession physical evidence (as disgusting as that may be) which willbe shared with you at your request.
That evening, Akron HS* and Marshall HS* played a regional football playoff game. The night was reletively mild for this late in the year and the promising rain had withheld. Ten thousand fans packed the stands, including Akron High* students, players, cheerleaders, band members, their parents, friends, and other Akron* residents. The press and television cameras were all taking note of the action on and off the field.. In front of the stadium stands was an area for walking to the several sets of steps leading to the bleachers. Also, a yellow rope was stretched out to keep the spectators from the field of play. Since the stands were packed full, several people chose to stand along this yellow rope closer to the action. All in the stands could easily see the people along the ropes as this area was floodlit as was the field. Coach Joey Robins* and his fiancee were among those people. Also there was your oldest daughter with two boys of the same age, both with wavy dark hair but one taller than the other. Neither appeared to be ready to shave smooth hairless faces. The shorter of the two held your daughter's coat and purse as she ventured to talk to friends and visit the lady's room. Most of her time however was spent with the boys, laughing, talking, and watching the large crowd of football fans aforementioned above that were behind them. She ran her fingers through each of their hair and along their faces, then put on a public display of wanton sexuallity that certainly embarrassed those around me who made many low volumn comments of disgust.
Your daughter and the shorter boy (we will call him Josh) engaged in acts that should be reserved for married couples in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Heavy petting of chest, breasts, and buttocks was simultaneous with kissing of cheeks, lips, and neck using the tongue in the ears, mouth, and licking of body parts. Her sucking of his fingers prompted an unidentified student to call out loudly "Fuck her, I did". The response by your daughter and the boy was to smile broadly back and for him to say "Later!" and the response from the crowd was groans.
Twenty to thirty minuites of this behavior greeted halftime at the game. Shortly thereafter the trio left the stadiam and I followed. With the taller boy driving and your daughter and the shorter boy in the rear seat, the aforementioned activity continued with great passion down Euclid Ave.* and north on Rt. 271*. At one point near W 58th Street*, your daughter's head lowered down below the seat back level. I was not close enough behind to see everything and it was dark, but the boy's head arched back above the rear seat back and remained in this position for several minuites. At the Rt 90 W exit, she emerged back from below seat level to begin kissing and caressing his still motionless head.
Having lost contact with them entering Portage County* on Rt 6*, I proceeded to exit at Rt 6*. Their car passed immediatly infront of me going south on Main Street*. Again following, they led me to the rear of the parking lot behind JFK Middle School*. I was located behind the fine arts section of the school building out of sight. An argument of some sort ensued wherby the taller boy started walking away toward and behind Center Elementary*. I drove across Main Sreet* without lights to avoid detection. There, I remembered my high power binoculars in the back seat brought to better view the football game. I now had an excellent viewing of the action in the car. Your daughter and the boy were engaged in sexual intercourse with her mounted on the sitting boy and facing me through the rear window glass of the car. She was clearly naked on top but the car obscured my view below that. Modesty, embarrassment, and morals prevented me to watch any longer and I was prepared to leave immediatly. But prior to starting my car, the taller boy suddenly reappeared, agitated that he was sent off. Their voices could be heard from that distance. Your daughter quickly put back on her top without reapplying her bra and the boy threw something toward the chain link fence guarding the stadium. All three drove off going south on Main*. My investgation of the area around the parked location and near the fence revealed physical evidence-- a still moist condom, partially folded back to expose semen fluid. Not wanting to touch the article, I picked up the wet condom with a pencil and placed it in an air tight sandwich bag which just previously held my uneated game snack. DNA testing on the inside and outside body fluids would prove a union between your daughter and this boy.
These careful and indisputable detailed facts may help you to take appropriate action. Do not go through a denial-- Help your daughter understand the dangers to her reputation, health, mental stability, and well being, not to mention the eternal damnation from God and the Church for conducting these mortal sins of premarital, lustful sex and promiscuous acts. Ask yourself if she was raised this way and who set the example for pure living. If you want the used condom, just mention it yo your acquaintences at the schools and the church. I will get the message and deliver it to you.
He looks pretty freaking creepy in the pic!
Transcribing those letters made me physically ill.
They only get worse after that one.
Oh my fucking God!!! Yeah, I had to write it out instead of using the abbreviation cuz this guy requires that.
What a sick fuck!!!
So many questions.
Is that really a photo of him? He is creepy as hell!
Isn't he basically admitting to a crime in his letter? He was stalking you, plain and simple. He claims to have watched you have sex through hi-powered binoculars. Regardless of the fact that it was all lies, HE is the one who comes out looking bad in this letter.
I can't fathom his thinking. Just because you caught him cheating...not that he was hiding it very well. Crazy...crazy story.
It sounds to me like this deluded perp created an elaborate sexual fantasy for himself, but needed to hinge it in actual cold hard 3D reality in order to get off, both as a perverted fuckwad and as a christian soldier. In doing that, he committed at least one crime (sounds like), and few other assorted egregious wrongs.
Total illness man, yeah bob d., I don't know how you did that, just reading this made me sick.
I hope you are not still dealing with fallout from this, GB. Eeeesh.
You know this guy jerked off to this story and to you in general, REPEATEDLY.
Also, why the fuck would he be following you if any of this DID happen?!? Even in his own version of events he looks like a total pervert and creep.
this is just plain freaking crazy!!
even if what he stated was true, it means that he was stalking you, watching you have sex and picked up a used condom???
Oh my God, that letter just gave me the creeps!! Gosh, what a pervert!
Made me think of the man in Austria, who kept his daughter in their basement for 20+ years and fathered several children to her...
Gosh, I'm still nauseated by this man! I do hope you've gotten over it all okay. *hug*
1. Welcome back. Long time no see.
2. What happened to this guy since he was so clearly lying his ass off. I mean seriously, he's going to follow you? And then keep DNA evidence? Talk about a sick fuck. I bet he masturbated to the boys hair and really wanted to see them naked.
Please tell me there are more letters to come.
They get worse than this!? I can't imagine...
I'm with the previous commenter, what someone does on their own time (even though this story was all lies) is their own business but following and watching someone supposedly engaging in all of those acts is fucking creepy but I am strangely curious about the next letters to see how far this perv takes things and hopefully how his life has crashed down around him since then.
holy hell, i don't know what would be worse as a parent, to receive a letter like that, or to think that some creepy s.o.b. was following my daughter around watching her with high powered binoculars.
Was this guy the inspiration for Mr Pervey on Family Guy?
Just imagine if you hadn't been driven to and from the game by Josh's dad.. and worse if you hadn't gone straight home after the game, proving all of this to be the hallucinatory fantasy of a sick man.
Sadly I believe the above posters are absolutely right, this was a complete masturbation fantasy of his from start to finish.. and he was clearly upset that even in his own fantasy he was only getting to watch.
As bad as it is though, the last part still cracks me up. "mention it to your acquaintances at school or church".
Uhh.. what? How would that even work?
"James! Good to see you, how's the family? Great, great. Hey, I heard someone has a used condom, have you heard where I might get it? No? Well alrighty then, I'll ask George at Mass. Thanks pal, love to the missus."
Holy Crap! That is gross.
And it gets worse?
Jay: I cannot even begin to describe how creepy gross he is. The picture doesn't even come close.
Bob: Thanks for all your help. I will let you hunt down that bastard anytime you want.
Dutch: This is only the tip of the iceberg.
B.E: Yep, that is actually a picture of him.
And he was pretty insane. I wasn't the only one he stalked or harassed. And the story only gets wackier and wackier.
Cath: Nope, haven't had to deal with him in many, many years, though I do keep on guard when I'm back home. Sandy got in touch with me via classmates a couple years ago and I never responded.
Birdman: I am sure you are right. Can you imagine the level of anger my father felt about getting this thing in the mail? About his 15 year old daughter?
jo: Oh god, wait til the next installment. It gets soooo much grosser.
EA: Seriously, if they told me he had kids buried under the house, it wouldn't surprise me. He's a sick mofo.
JP: Thanks for the welcome back. I've been super duper busy lately and have fallen behind on my blogging. And it looks like the summer is going to be full of trips o' plenty. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the postings.
And there are quite a few more letters, etc. This is only the start of the story.
SG: It does. Way worse.
Sornie: From what I've heard, he ended up with the disease Dudley Moore got. I'll have to do some internet digging and find out more.
Diva: The thing is, he does end up following me around for about a year.
SD: Maybe, but there is only creep here - no funny at all.
BD: My parents didn't know what to think of it at first. Because there were so many details, it seemed pretty realistic. But Mr. Jackson never saw us with Josh's dad (thank god) and it was easy to debunk his story.
Lisa: Yes, it certainly does.
creepy shit. i wouldve fucked him in the face with a baseball bat.
My GOD!!! I knew there were sick f*x out there but this was literally sickening... And this guys a dad??? I would fear for your friend Sandy for real...
the creepy thing is- you're still attracting the crazies. We need to have your aura read and see if it's something you exude...
Also, can't wait to read the rest of this story.
What a total FREAK!
Holy shit - that is fucking insane!!!! He sent that to your parents? Oh my god. What a crazy mother fucker. And he was totally stalking you (as if the story was real) - but if it was real - he was stalking you. DNA testing? He even went so far as to say he had it tested? What the fuck? WEIRD!
If this were happening in real time, I would be anxious as hell for your safety. Since you're writing about it now well after the fact, I am just anxious for the next chapter....
Oh mylanta!
Freak! Freak! Freak! What a psycho! I'm sensing a pattern here. A guy jerks off on the plane next to you, another in a closet, and now this guy.
holy shit!
that could honestly be the most creepy fucking thing ive ever read...
do you need me to have this guy sleep with the fishes for you?
i'd do that for ya.... im Sicilian, remember?
Sometimes when I think I'm crazy, it's stories like this that make me feel pretty damn vanilla. Freaky!
Stadiam, sreet? He is practically illiterate. Even if it were true what sort of pervert would follow you like that.
If it were true that would be kind of hot, though. I'd never judge you! I know it's not, but I'm just sayin.
He obviously got off on sending it to your parents--mostly he got off on writing the letters.
Why does this make me all BTK creepy?
Wow, oh wow, oh WOW!!! I'm so, so, glad your parents weren't pulled in by this.
But then, if I were a parent and had gotten this letter I would have been more upset by the fact that this guy had watched my daughter this closely, followed her AND even got "the condom"? I mean... EWWWWW!! Psycho!
This makes the guy that finished his business in his closet sound like a catch.
I'm hooked, keep the story coming...
That is so, so strange,
On so many levels,
TM: That would have been far too kind.
BC: We did fear for them. I'll mention what happened in that arena in upcoming posts.
AB: Me and the crazies...i's my m.o.
Craze: The craziest!
Carmen: I have never met a scarier, crazier fuckwad.
Max: We were very anxious at the time.
Philly: He does give me a belly ache!
MD: I need a new pattern.
Slyde: You asked for it. And thanks for the offer...I'll keep it in mind.
NWO: See, you're not the biggest perv in the room anymore!
MU: I have participated in stories like this, but they didn't really start til I was at least 19.
Turn: Seriously, he is very BTK.
Pink: He was just trying to help my folks with their parenting, right?
Tony: Yeah, the closet guy is now the cream of the crop in comparison.
Pronto: It gets stranger, I promise.
re: the spelling. It was almost painful to leave them in.
And "eated"?? Seriously, who the hell types that and thinks that's ok?
Favorite typo, might not be in this letter: "As a christain". Ok, you are a religious nut who can't spell the actual religion. Worse, you made it into a Christ Stain.
I wonder if he still has the condom?
Was he like black and white in person at all... also. I do wonder...
holy fuck! wow girl, that's crazy. that guy looks really creepy. makes the hairs on my arms stand up.
what a dirt bastard! simply trying to discredit anything you might say about him, wha?
Yikes - that's horrible.
Wow, what a freak. Cheers GB!!
My skin is crawling......
Oh dear!
New here but figure I'll spend the next hour or so, pondering your blog.
At sixteen I was stalked by a gay man.
Very unsettling. There are a lot of stalkers about.
I hope you're over it, GB.
Omigod! I almost fell off my chair laughing when I got halfway through that story! First off, I hope this man went on to be a fictional writer.
Secondly, if I were your parents, the very first thing I would be asking him is, "Why the fuck are you following kids around? You want to WATCH what they are doing that you are so disgusted with? And why the fuck do you have high powered binoculars in your fucking back seat???"
I would have taken that letter straight to the police and had him arrested. For something. Anything. CREEEEEEEPY!
Seriously, if you were a man who is really concerned about something kids are doing, you would just say, "Hey, I saw your daughter the other night doing some pretty lewd things in public. You might want to talk to her about that."
Can't wait to hear the rest of the dumbshit's story.
Oh my gosh! I think I read that whole thing with my jaw dropped. That is just unfathomable. Crazy. That man looks like a total creep. They get worse from here? UGH.
I like how he goes from being very descriptive to creepy. Plus the errors...ewww I can't help but think he was touching himself near the end.
I think I just vomitted in my mouth and then choked on it...
It would've been cool if his "mistress" had gotten that letter but posing as his daughter.
What a creepo!
Can't wait to hear the rest.
I agree with everyone. But how in the hell did you dig up his creepy picture?
2nd look at this skeevy fucker...still no words for how I just want to duck from those crazy eyes.
& creeps like that always have this extreme morally superior veneer. There was a man who brutally, methodically murdered his 12-year old daughter and wife years ago over here, for insurance money. On the news vids of court testimony, this calm, cold-staring nerdy freak appeared to shake even the judge And he'd been known as a church regular and "good neighbor." He dumped his daughter's and wife's dead bodies at the Edom Hill dump site. There was also a middle school teacher (never had him, thank god) in Palm Desert who shot his family and kids -- he was known for humiliating his students in class any which way he could -- of course that only got out to the public after the murders.
OK, don't want to run on and on, just DAMN, that photo says it all.
That is disgusting and creepy. He sounds like he should be writing a VC Andrews novel.
I'm sorry you had to be involved in his ickiness, GB. That is just awful!
Wow. That is amazing. I can't believe that he's like, "So, as a true American hero, I followed the kids, picked up some binoculars, rubbed one out, picked up a soiled condom like it was evidence of something other than my grossitude..."
Is he single? I'm looking for a date...
That is beyond sick and he is clearly a liar. ICK, ICK, ICK - he should be reported to the police for harrassment. Even now. Frightening.
Wow, Creepy McCreeperson!!
(Hi, I'm Lindsey, I came across your blog on List of the Day!)
Good God. My daughter is 15 and there is no place this freak could hide. I would wear his balls for earmuffs if he did this to my daughter. Obviously your parents have more self control since I don't remember any posts about visiting your Mom in Women's prison.
Bob: He is the biggest stain on humanity (or Christianity) that I have ever met.
Flounder: More condom news in the next post.
Mutley: Welcome! Love your Jack...I have one too! And oh no, he's in full blown hideous color in person.
Princess: He's more creepy in person, I swear.
Suze: It totally gets way worse.
Matt-Man: A total freak. He puts our freakiness to shame.
Liquid: Welcome! And I promise, the other stories on this blog are horrible, but in an entirely different/funny way.
Electro: I am over it...being 3000 miles away helps.
Cathouse: The police were involved. Its part of the next chapter.
Chris: Beyond icky.
Amorous: Way worse.
Amadeo: I am sure he was doing more than that.
Boss: I got sick just rereading the stuff.
MisstressM: It was on a flyer that came in the mail a few years after all this. And it has been filed away in the Mr. Jackson folder ever since.
Letty: He's a perfect example of a creep looking like a creep.
His moral shit is the best part of this. It makes it that much more disgusting.
Tink: I'm sorry I had to be involved too. But he did this to other people. I, unfortunately, wasn't the only one.
Pistols: He's a true American Hero. They need to do a Bud Light commercial about him.
Boss: Probably not. Even serial killers seem to have women lining up to get with them.
Anony: The police come in the next segment.
Lindsey: Welcome! Sorry to creep you out on the first visit.
Tracey: My parents immediately went to the police. It took everything we had to talk my dad and uncles down.
I'm totally skeeved out.
Jesus christ. But seriously. The dude was trying to get caught, it sounds.
He was one sick fuck, huh?
Was he some kind of wannabe author of fiction or something???
Why did you keep those icky letters?? For further evidence? To keep him in prison? Not eligible for parole? Just wondering.
That is unf*ckingbelievable!
Ew...just ew...Dude crossed the creepy line when he "followed" you, to begin with! So why later in the letter did he mention "morals"?? There are more letters? People are plain sick!
fucking dudes. crazy crazy crazy crayzaaaaaazaaaaaaaaayyyy fucking dudes.
Foul. I hope that's the picture his family made the newspapers print instead of his mugshot.
Please tell me this lowlife motherfucker has been euthanized by now.
Do you want him euthanized? If you'll hold him down, I'll... extract an organ or so and inject... whatever, lol.
I've never read anything so sick in my life. And to be so detailed. Way too much information for it to have been the truth. anyway. Liars always feel the need to over share every little detail. Uh-Huh.
I cannot now remember how I found your blog, but this has me mezmerized. And poor bob dobalina! He sounds as though he might need a wee bit of therapy after that adventure down the lane of Mr. Happy's mind.
And the picture of that guy looks like Mr. Rogers On Crack Or Heroin.
As a parent, my knee-jerk reaction would have been to have my hubby take a large baseball bat to him. However, I'd think it would be much more effective (and fun) to fuck with him in court, on his way to jail. Not to mention taking this dickwad's money.
Please tell me your friend and her Mom got away from this crazy fucker.
What a sick freak. I hope he gets locked up forever and that they lose the keys.
That's the most disturbing thing I've read in quite a while. May I concur with the rest of the commenters here by saying, "WHAT THE FUCK??!!"
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