I have been a total blogging slacker this week. I've been kind of preoccupied**, so I do apologize for not having had the chance to read a lot of your blogs, add you to my roll, etc.
Tabbie and I are hosting a Grilled Cheese and Martini shingdig this evening at the beach house. Partly because we want to try out recipes for the Grilled Cheese Invitational we are competing in next week and partly because, hey, who doesn't love a martini.
We will have about 6 bloggers here as part of the festivities. If any more of you are local folks, feel free to drop me a line and I'll send you an invite.
I am gathering up cell numbers as well and will be adding them to the drunk dial list. Don't be left out! Send yours too!
ALSO - I do believe I will be setting up a webcam in one of the rooms. If you have one as well, I'd love to see your smiling face. But please, not until I've had a few drinks...come on...I want to remember you fondly.
This is all probably a very very bad idea.
Tabbie and I are hosting a Grilled Cheese and Martini shingdig this evening at the beach house. Partly because we want to try out recipes for the Grilled Cheese Invitational we are competing in next week and partly because, hey, who doesn't love a martini.
We will have about 6 bloggers here as part of the festivities. If any more of you are local folks, feel free to drop me a line and I'll send you an invite.
I am gathering up cell numbers as well and will be adding them to the drunk dial list. Don't be left out! Send yours too!
ALSO - I do believe I will be setting up a webcam in one of the rooms. If you have one as well, I'd love to see your smiling face. But please, not until I've had a few drinks...come on...I want to remember you fondly.
This is all probably a very very bad idea.
**Buying and selling your friends as pets on Facebook has eaten up nearly 18 hours of each day
Hey, what's happenin' ? Just saw your avatar and had to see what the hell this place was about !
Hey, what's happenin' ? Just saw your avatar and had to see what the hell this place was about !
Beach house blog party?
I must have missed my invite.
I can see it now: "Click here to view the wild times of a drunk girl with PMS"
GB, keep that camera away from me and me away from that camera.
Headed to the mailbox right now to check for my invite! Sounds like a blast. Grilled cheese and martinis? Class all the way, Baby!
Welcome back. I figured you were enjoy your prize from the Boob wars. Good luck with the party. And if you are feeling a little low just flash your boobs into the webcam.
Charming post, below, about the dude who soiled his clothing. Aren't we men fun?
I'd so love to attend the Grilled Cheese and Martini party. Too bad I'm a million miles away.
Incidentally, how can you compete with grilled cheese? How much can you do to it? It's pretty much just a cheese sandwich.
Dammit...I need to move out there.
That looks like so much fun but I'm heading out to drink Bourbon!
A Grilled Cheese Invitational?? Sweet!
I like bacon to add bacon to mine. Pretty simple, but still yummy.
I dont have a cam on my end but definately want to know when you are going to cam up for me and have a chat
grilled cheese with bacon is how I want mine, thanks
What do you mean a bad idea? It's a GREAT idea! Bummed I don't have a webcam though!!!! I would sure as hell join in the fun even though it would only be midday here ;-)
sounds like so much fun! wish I didn't live so very far away. mmmm...grill cheese and martinis? yummy.
Where the heck was my drunk text last night??
Emapthy: I understand, unfortunately.
The Obvious: real live lesbian, is so much more appealing than the obvious dead, blue, toe curling ones...YUCK!
Grilled cheese: Are we not talking about a blonde in the morning?
Reality: Or actual grilled to lovely perfection cheese accompanied with tomato soup..erm ceasars? now, that does sound delicious!
Feelings/Emotions: Mmmm..
Confessional: AND *taking a deep breath as I'm fairly wordy in the morning* web cams, been there - done that ;) Now, finally don't have the desire - YAY!
Be safe, have fun!
It all sounds fun, but don't think I can make it from Florida. I will, however, send my number for the drunk dial list. That could be a blast!
mmmm grilled cheese, don't know why but sounds like tasty hangover food right now <3
Hope you had fun with your fondue party and things didn't get too messy!
Was there any decent music or was it all chin rubbing, head nodding conversation?
Don't forget to check you gmail.
Grilled cheese is one of about three things even I can cook. Then again, that's usually pre-martini.
Here's hoping nothing goes wrong with booze plus fire.
Hey - Sorry to be the one to pee on the grilled cheese & martini party - a white trash match made in HEAVEN i might add - i'd be in if i were there - BUT, what happened to Lindsey? Is she okay? Seriously, I don't want to be the one to kill the mood, but i have been praying everything turned out okay for her.
grilled cheese, martinis, webcam? that sounds like so much trouble (and fun!) already haha!
I'm a grilled cheese snob I guess. I only like them made with brie and ham. But martinis? Oh yeah...bring 'em on!!
I found myself mysteriously drawn to this wonderful blog. I can't think why ???
Naughty woman ;-)
Very very bad ideas that involve people and alcohol are often very very fun though. ;)
I missed all the action this weekend. Must be cause I live in Louisville, KY... Hope it was a good time, but you can't really go wrong with booze and cheese.
Oh man, I missed the opportunity to get drunk dialed? Dammit!
What a cool idea. I hope you all had fun. Cheers GB!!
Hey, what's happenin'? Just saw your avatar and had to see what the hell this place was about!
heff: Welcome! A whole lot is happening and it's about time you joined the fun.
6000: All bloggers should consider themselves invited. And if there's ever a blogger visiting Southern California, the Beach House will throw a martini party in their honor.
AB: There are still photos...
RLL: We totally needed a real live lesbian at the party...we only had a few 50/50 ones there.
Mike: We haven't even gone shopping at The Pleasure Chest yet. And sadly, we were too drunk to figure out the webcam thing.
LBB: Oh, there are lots of ways to compete. There are 4 categories, including a dessert one.
Lady: Um, duh.
Turnbaby: So, how did that Bourbon treat ya?
Jay: I'm all about the bacon too. However, we are competing in a vegetarian category.
Birdman: Don't hold your breathe...it's reserved for big parties only.
Dutch: Morning, noon or night...it's always the right time to join the party.
Princess: It was so yummy and awesome.
Catherinette: Seriously, I was so drunk I lost my phone in my own house. And by time I found it, it was around 5:30am your time...and i couldn't remember how to press buttons.
-I am an addict.
-Yes, the live ones are wayyy more fun. And not so cold.
-No soup, but people forgot after the first drink.
-I still dig the webcams. I didn't do it for years, but sometimes you just have to connect with a boy in a far away land.
MY: As I said to Catherinette, I would have called if I could have kept track of my phones. And been able to recognize numbers. Next time, I promise.
Letty: It's great drunk food and hangover food. Perhaps it's the best meal in the history of the universe.
Payne: The mess wasn't too bad...no crazy cheese incidents to report.
There was music on each level of the house AND a Wii set up on the third floor. It totally went hand in hand with the sammiches and drinks.
PAD: Tabbie is such a pro, that she had it under control even while she was drinking everyone under the table.
Tracey: Amazingly, the docs had it wrong and the tumor turned out to be benign!! Leslie is in a lot of pain still and recovery will be long, but it's NOT CANCER!!!!
Jo: It was a blast. Oh boy, can't wait to do it again soon.
Bitchy: We had every sort of combo, but alas, no brie.
Electro: Now where would you get the idea that I'm a naughty girl?
Stupid button clicky caused post deletion. To restore blog comment cohesion I had commented that I would like to get in line for the cam goodness and asked if I could take a number, perhaps from one of those old school number-dispensing-devices like they still have at Costco.
AR: Oh, it was stupid awesome fun!
CC: You did miss all the good times...it was a riot!
Mr. Fab: We'll have to catch you next time!
MM: It was a blast and I'm already planning the next one.
Bob: Now why would you want a cam session when you can have GB in person? And you know you trump everyone...there ain't no line for you, Goober.
A grilled cheese and martini shindig sounds FUN!
dammit, i wish i had read this on friday...
i SO would have given you my # and set up my webcam....
so, how'd it go?
Ahhhh... Grilled cheese. Comfort food indeed. I've never had a martini, though. I find I'm slightly fearful of ordering a martini in Iowa. If you're not drinking out of a brown bottle that has the words "Budweiser" or "Miller" emblazoned on it somewhere, you're branded as one that's a bit light in the loafers.
Martinis and Grilled cheese?
These are a few of my favorite things! Especially if you serve the martinis with stuffed blue cheese olives. Grrrr...yuuummmm!
I hope I get the same blogger treatment when I join the beach house again.
Let's just hope those grilled cheeses didn't have any menaze on them. Unless of course it was of the tasty kind ;)
Grant: I cannot believe a silly thing like an avatar would bring you here...everyone else comes for the fan-fucking-tastic writing.
Craze: It was...you coming to the next one?
Slyde: It went so well, I was too drunk to call anyone. Phones are tricky business.
B.E: Well, if you come to one of our parties, I'll make sure your martini is served up just the way you like it.
JP: JP, really, you know you only get the best top notch treatment from us. And there's blogger treatment and BLOGGER treatment.
And I finally want to see you trashed! God knows I've talked to you while you were drunk a million times, but I'm dying to see it in person.
And play beer (martini) pong. You still owe me.
And there are much better places for menaze than on a sammich.
Chris: Yeah, would be wary of the martinis there. And the sushi.
I never knew grilled cheese went out of style. I have my mom make them for me at least three times a week.
I'll have to stop by next time I go to california. If you hear a strange heavy breathing noise outside your sliding glass door, you'll know it's me.
how did mister underhill know about our sliding glass door is what I wanna know.
Also, you found your damn phone but were to wimp-ass to call people wazasted at 5:30am their time. I say screw em- they want drunk dials, let's give it to em! W
hich is probably why no one answers my calls. Fuckers.
sorry i missed it. i think me running around drunk and topless wouldve been a great addition to the festivities!
gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches and martinis...almost as good as pizza and Veuve Clicquot Champagne.
Well, I've been a bad bad bloggie buddie myself this week. Guess every once in a while we do need a break from it even though we love it.
And, if I was near - I would love to come to the Martini party!
True, it is hard to beat the up close and personal GB touch. It probably would have helped if I hadn't started the horrific bartending practice of "no worries, I'll drink the leftovers" for each and every damn drink I made.
I'm amazed I can still see, to be honest. And for the record I did argue for drunk dials at 3am ("but but" GB says, "that's 6am EST!" So what!) Still, I think we more than made up for it the next day. At least I'm hoping that's where all these scratches are from. If not you, then I was mauled by a Chupacabra in my sleep. Eh, either way it was a memorable party / weekend.
Underhill: Stop fogging up the glass and just come in already.
Tabbie: That and you speak nonsense when drunk...
Tequila: You and your boobs have an open invitation.
Jerrster: Welcome! Maybe we'll do that the next party.
r.e.h: Plan a trip out here and we'll throw one in your honor.
Bob: Don't lie...any scratches you have were from fending off the other roomie during her power Kitchen Crotch Grab move.
Thanks for that mental image, my penis just fully inverted into a mangina.
It is a secret language that only really drunk people can understand. Kinda like the Brits that one night with the "elbow" licking incident.
you know... "elbow"...
Hi, found you through Falwless' blog :) Grilled Cheese Invitational? I think I died and went to Food Porn Heaven. Hint hint...try fontina and either pancetta or proscuitto on cornbread. Cornbread will be the key to your glorious victory ;)
Different music genres for different floors and drunken Wii on the top. Along with a smattering of boobie women, it sounds like the kind of party I've always dreamed of attending. Point Break meets Animal House!
Bravo on responding to all those comments. Many blog authors that I've seen just wouldn't bother.
Grilled cheese always wins.
Um... I didn't get my grilled cheese sammich... what the hell is up with that? MissM gets one and *I* don't? Where's the love???
you will HAVE to announce the next one with more time... i'm in!
I actually went to a reception last year where 'beef martinis' were served.
They rocked !
No cheese, though :-(
Bob: Do I need to kiss it and make it all better?
AB: Cunty bollocks!!
Fran: Sounds awesome, but how do you grill the cornbread without it falling apart?
Payne: The next one will be bigger and better. And we offer the rockin jacuzzi tub for baths for two!
amadeo: Yes sir, it does.
Pink: MistressM made the treck out here AND wore a super sexy shirt to boot. Come out, flash your boobies and we'll have all sorts of sammiches for you.
Slyde: This was kind of spur of the moment...we used to have them nearly every Friday night. You best be here next time!
Pronto: What in the world is a beef martini?
That would be the fastest cure, indeed.
Sounds like so much fun - I wish I could come and join you guys!
So glad to hear Leslie's docs were wrong! Hope she feels better really soon - martinis & grilled cheese should help.
Martinis and grilled cheese...sounds like an interesting party - or book title.
Your party sounds fab. Too bad I'm on the other coast. Hope you had fun!
omigod, I'm in love...will be back for more!
Oh, I forgot that part, didn't I? They shouldn't be full size sandwiches, they're better off as passed appetizers so the cornbread keeps a solid center of gravity. I don't know if finger sandwiches are allowed.
A+ question!
You are very busy. Now, I want a grilled cheese!
If I can send drunk peen at 2 in the morning... you can drunk dial at 5:30. And damn it I want one now!!! Oh and bring the grilled cheese too.
Wow... I wish I had an invite!
Well grill me up and add a martini!! Sounds like it was a blast.... My fav grilled cheese is fresh herbed motz, tomato and chopped basil. on garlic rubbed sourdough,,, mmmmmmmm
OH MY GOD! Grilled Cheese Invitational!
So rad!
Lets brainstorm so you girls WIN!
Pssst... Boobs... I tagged you. See my blog for details...
It's a good think you don't post on your blog more often or I'd spend all my days just reading the hundreds of comments...
I'd give you my number for drunken dialing, but your drunken dialing is my midday. Or something like that. I don't know. I'm off to the sofa with Ben and Jerry.
is it wrong that the only reason i'm posting this is because the comment # was on 69.
im so mature....
That would be an amazing shindig I I may say so myself...martinis..oh yeah!
An odd but great combination. Just make sure you're using cheap vodka and generic Velveeta-type cheese.
I just stopped by to look at your boobs again. :) They're still so DAMN BIG!
you have GOT to start posting more! Now i'm just spamming this site waiting for a new story!
I think GB has discovered teasing.. or perfected it, hard to say.
Either way I'll be refreshing this page 'til I see new titillating tales of titanic ta-tas terrifically triumphant.
Blog Party eh? wel I am way too far away for that
you need to post more.. i need my fix :)
I think that Martinis and grilled cheese are the perfect combo for a party! Wish I lived there to attend...but I'm all about the drunk dialing.
Congratulations on your win! Yay!!! :)
grilled cheeses are my favorite old time sandwich. The Martini is the perfect accent to them!
That sounds just so yummy..
ok, if i come here ONE MORE TIME after a few day absence, young lady, and don't find a new post, you are going to get the spanking of your life......!
Bob: It's my cure all.
Carmen: Wish you could have been there too!
Tracey: We are glad too. And she hopes to be back at work soon.
Ashley: You know, you could always take a trip out here for the next one.
MsPuddin: Welcome! Hopefully I'll be posting more soon so you'll have something to read.
Fran: For the actual competition, we cut the sammiches into halves and quarters, so yeah, finger food would totally work.
Clearly: SOOO busy...in fact, too busy to blog much :(
JP: I promise you are at the top of the drunk dial list...it's only fair considering your kindness with the peen shots.
Doc: Consider yourself invited to the next one.
Cheesy: Garlic is KEY.
Meems: After much drunken taste testing, we came up with a winner!!
Chris: Thanks for the tag...I promise I haven't forgotten.
EA: Yeah, I guess midday drunk dials just don't hold the same appeal.
Slyde: Really, there's no better reason to post...
Cazzie: We need to start planning the next one.
Sornie: We banned the cheap vodka and velveta...only the best for our guests!
RLL: Seriously, sometimes if I am wearing a cleavage-y top, I surprise myself.
Slyde: I'm working on it. There just haven't been enough hours in the day.
Bob: Your illiteration turns me on!
Barry: You could throw your own so you could join us in spirit.
Slyde: I got a few pills that might help with that.
RW: I also love drunk texts and drunk emails!
AC: Why, thank you!
PSS: They do make a perfect pair.
Anndi: Tabbie grills up THE BEST sammiches on earth!
Slyde: Took you long enough. I've been waiting for that threat so I can finally post again.
No trophy pics?
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